This command covers all PCB components, irrespective of the type of library from which they are sourced - PCB Footprint Libraries ( *.PcbLib), Integrated Libraries ( *.IntLib), and Database Libraries ( *.DbLib, *.SVNDbLib). This ensures that all footprints in the design adhere to the authorized footprint libraries. This update tool checks the component footprints on a board against the corresponding footprints in source PCB Footprint libraries by performing a physical comparison of each footprint's primitives, and performs updates to chosen components, as required. To pass on changes to the graphical attributes of a PCB footprint from the source PCB Footprint library requires the use of another tool from Altium Designer's update arsenal - Update From PCB Libraries. Although models can be included as part of that update, it is the model linking that is being considered and not the actual graphical attributes of the linked model.

The Update From Libraries and the Update Selected From Libraries commands explained here are used solely to update placed components on schematic sheets. Applying Changes Directly From the PCB Library Editor.